Cross-Sector Collaboration Pilot

What is the Cross-Sector Collaboration Pilot?

In response to the increasing scale and sophistication of cyber threat activities, EASE parent organization Global Resilience Federation (GRF) is announcing a new initiative, currently called the Cross-Sector Collaboration Pilot (CSCP).

By supporting over a dozen ISACs/ISAOs worldwide, GRF offers a unique opportunity to provide information sharing across different sectors, complimenting the existing industry-specific sharing communities already in place.

GRF offers a free trial membership to its affiliated communities for those who are interested in participating in CSCP. Contact for more information.

Who Can Join?

  • Currently a member of an information sharing community (ISACs/ISAOs)

  • Interested in open dialogue with organizations from other communities

  • Familiar with the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP)

Why Join?

  • Leveraging capabilities and knowledge from a broader community

  • Deeper understanding of threat actors and TTPs

  • Building trust relationship across multiple communities

  • Reducing the likelihood of cascading effects across communities

  • Real-time sharing of actionable intelligence

  • Active collaboration between communities